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from $100.00

The regenerative ecological work that we do at Foxtrot cannot be sold by the stem or in a bouquet. We do this work with the understanding that nature has been ruined, struggles to exist, or ceases to exist because of negative human imact. We do this work because we believe it is our responsibility to use our human capacity in this life to RE-GENERATE stewarded land into a more ecologically diverse, resilient, and abundant space for plants, insects, and animals to thrive. We do this work regardless of everything, but we would love our community support in this work if thats available to you.

Your donation will be put towards the continued work at Foxtrot of:

  • Planting native habitat (trees, shrubs, berries) for insects, birds, and animals to have food and shelter.

  • Cultivating native flowering species for pollinators.

  • Transitioning grass into perennially flowering species.

  • Bird & bat boxes

  • Removing invasive species that are ecological “dead zones”.

  • A living wage for farm laborers participating in this important work.

Thank you for your support in this (most) important work!

We would like to acknowledge your generous support on our website, so please either enter your Name or Anonymous on the form!

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